Lab Testing & Screening
Lab Tests & Screening in Lebanon
Unfortunately, not every condition that your horse may be suffering from can easily be determined by physical examination. There are many diagnostic tools that provide your veterinarian with the ability to look inside and see what changes are happening. This allows for efficient diagnosis of the underlying problem and development of a treatment plan. Time is always crucial in returning your horse to health and that is why our laboratory is so important.
As ambulatory practitioners, few tests are available stall side, but our hospital is equipped with many of the tests necessary to treat your beloved equine friend efficiently. Our state-of-the-art blood chemistry and hematology (CBC) analyzers’ data is sent directly to our electronic medical record. Our veterinarians compare the data to normal parameters. Abnormal results may indicate an active disease process or impaired organ function. We will then discuss the results with you in detail to determine the best treatment plan for your pet.
Our veterinarians can help screen for:
- Chemistry - wellness testing and disease monitoring (Renal disease, liver disease, etc.)
- Thyroid health - screening for abnormalities (Hypothyroid)
- Complete blood count (CBC) And differential- anemia, infection
- And more!
- Coggins - testing for equine infectious anemia
- Senior or metabolic horse profiles
- Hormone levels- progesterone, thyroid, acth, insulin and more
There are several outside laboratories which our clinic utilizes to perform more advanced testing. This allows us to provide your horse with the most thorough diagnostic care available. Our clinic is able to obtain Coggins results for your horse within approximately 24-48 hours.
We’re here for you and your horses. Call the office at (513) 932-4181 or reach out here online today.